Theater – “Penthesilia”


Start time 21:30

“Penthesileia” Theater Performance

Arte Libera presents the Penthesileia performance written and directed by Cesaris Grouzinis. Penthesilea of ​​the Amazons and Achilles of the Greeks meet as enemies on the battlefield. The passion of love that is born between them mixes with the ambitions and thirst of the warriors for glory, eventually leading through this multi-layered conflict both to their death. The performance is inspired by Heinrich von Kleist’s work Penthesilea, an iconic work of German Romanticism, and explores the conflict of the sexes, as well as passion as a conflict that transforms into creative rebellion and destructive force at the same time. Other themes that the work deals with are the absurdity of war and violence and the necessity of searching for common human experiences and values ​​when we are faced with the Other or the Different. It is a modern adaptation of Kleist’s fable by Cesaris Grouzinis, in which dialogues and monologues are interwoven in a love ritual about two people who represent two different worlds with different morals and laws. Text – techniques of physical and narrative theater – movement actively interact with the original music articulating through this relationship the central dramatic gesture of the work and stimulating the active participation of the spectators in the performance.

Text – Direction: Tsesaris Grouzinis Original music: Lina Zahari Stage – Costumes: Kenny McLellan Performed by: Ifigenia Karamitrou, Giorgos Cafetzopoulos Production organization: Arte Libera AMKE

Ticket prices: General admission 14€, Reduced (students, young people up to 18, disabled, unemployed): 10€. Admission is free for children under 6 years old. Reduced tickets apply (10€) OGA/IKA. Tickets presale:

Performance duration: approx. 90’

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